Jones Rounds is a two-part interactive educational program designed to address complex issues at the intersection of Reproductive Medicine, Law & Ethics. It offers traditional Grand Rounds lectures on Assisted Reproductive Technology (“ART”) Law and Ethics, which can be paired with content-expert led, selected Interactive Case Rounds focused on specific ART topics.
Sponsored by grants from the Howard & Georgeanna Jones Foundation and EMD Serono, developed by PI Susan L. Crockin, JD in conjunction with Georgetown University’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics and Georgetown Law Center’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, this highly interactive program honors the legacy of Howard W. Jones, Jr., MD, a medical pioneer, ethical visionary, and life-long proponent of learning through dialogue.
Jones Rounds was developed for Reproductive Endocrinology Fellowship programs, and offers a unique learning opportunity for REI Fellows, Faculty, and other Professional staff to explore ART’s inter-disciplinary issues and challenges with legal, ethics, and psychosocial experts and faculty leaders.