Selected Outside Resources

For those interested in taking a “deeper dive” to expand their understanding of the legal and ethical issues surrounding the ARTs, there are multiple outside resources available.   You may also find the limited list below of interest.  Note: please understand this list is neither exhaustive nor able to be updated regularly.

“Legally Speaking” column

Created and authored by Susan Crockin, JD and guest authors, these articles appear in ASRM News as a column highlighting recent court decisions affecting the assisted reproductive technologies and the families they create.

Go to Legally Speaking column


Legal Conceptions: The Evolving Law and Policy of Assisted Reproductive Technologies,” Crockin, S.L.; Jones, H.W.; Johns Hopkins U. Press (2010)

The History and Future Trends of ART Medicine and Law,” Crockin, S.L.; Altman, A.B.; Edmonds, M.A., Family Court Review, Feb. 2021

“Ethical Considerations of the New Reproductive Technologies,” (Fert & Stert, Vol. 46, No. 3, Sept. 1986); the first report of the Ethics Committee of the American Fertility Society, chaired by Dr. Jones

Selected Publications by Dr. Howard Jones

  • Jones, Howard W., Jr. MD, “In Vitro Fertilization Comes to America, Memoir of a Medical Breakthrough,” Bookworks LLC (2004)
  • Stillman, RJ, Richter, KR, Jones, HJ, “Refuting a misguided Campaign against the goal of single embryo transfer and singleton birth in assisted reproduction,” Human Reproduction 2013; 28: 2599-2607
  • Crockin, SL, Ribas, D., Escalante, G,, Nussbaum, L., Jones, Jr. HW, “Costa Rica’s Absolute Ban on in vitro fertilization deemed a human rights violation: Implications for US assisted reproductive policy and “personhood” indicatives,” (2013) Fertility and Sterility (2), 330-333.

Other Resources

  • The Kennedy Institute of Ethics (KIE) Bioethics Research Library, located at Georgetown University, offers extensive resources in Bioethics. Reference requests for more readings on ethics and various aspects of the ARTS may be made here
  • For more information on Drs Howard & Georgeanna Jones, The Howard & Gerogeanna Jones has an extensive history here

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