The Origins and Development of Jones Rounds™:
By Susan L. Crockin
The idea for Jones Rounds™ emerged as a means of bringing to a new generation of REI Fellows and others the legacy of IVF pioneer and visionary Dr. Howard W. Jones, Jr. (1910-2015), who always believed in learning through spirited, interactive and interdisciplinary exchanges of ideas. Often called “the father of IVF” and a personally cherished mentor, “Dr. Howard” always challenged me– as he did everyone he interacted with– to think expansively and beyond the present to the future “roads not (yet) traveled” in reproductive medicine and science together with their impacts on law, ethics, and society.
Jones Rounds emerged as a two-part curriculum designed to impart that curiosity and passion for learning and advancing all aspects of the ARTs: Part 1, Jones Grand Rounds, addresses these larger inter-disciplinary issues in a traditional setting for Ob/Gyn Departments and others. Part 2, Jones Interactive Case Rounds, is designed as an intensely interactive “deep-dive,” where we problem-solve a complex case-based issue, using innovative techniques to draw out the often competing medical, legal, ethical, and psychosocial issues facing REI professionals and patients. These Case Rounds meet most ACGME didactics requirements.
Both programs can be done in person or virtually. A virtual Jones Interactive Case Rounds presents the opportunity for 2-3 fellowship programs to come together and learn not only from our content experts but other programs and leaders.
For questions or more details, feel free to reach out (